Exercise 11 Page 152-153


1. What is an electric torch for? An electric torch is for finding keyholes, supplementing dark
adapted vision, or helping to find the way when walking in the dark.

2. Who invented the first electric torch? The first electric torch was invented by Conrad
Hubbert, who was also known as Akiba Horowitz.

3. When was the first electric torch invented? The first electric torch was invented in 1902.

4. What does an electric torch consist of? An electric torch consists of a light bulb mounted in
a reflector, a transparent cover to protect the light source and reflector, a battery and a switch.

5. How does an electric torch work? The negative terminal of the battery is connected to the
switch by a brass strip.

6. What is filament made of? Filament is made of a tungsten alloy.

7. What is the text organization of the factual report text? The text organization of the factual
report text is general classification and descriptions.

8. What tense is mostly used in the text? A simple present tense is mostly used in the text.

9. What is the purpose of the factual report text? The purpose of the factual report test is to
present information about something generally.

10. Does the text sound personal? why? No, it does not. because the text doesn't use personal

11. the text is included in the scientific text. why? Because the text uses scientific sentences
to explain the part of the torch.

12. What is the general classification telling you about? The general classification is telling
you about a flashlight or an electric torch.

13. What is the description telling you about? The description is telling you about the use, the
inventor and the parts of the device.

Exercise 11 Page 152-153