Bahan Ujian Praktek Bahasa Inggris Membahas Mixue Ice Cream Expansion in Indonesia

Bahan Ujian Praktek Bahasa Inggris Membahas Mixue Ice Cream Expansion in Indonesia

Good morning, Mrs. Exam Supervisor. My name is Muhammad Aria Darmawan from class 12 IPS 3. I will give a presentation in this room discussing the word 'Mixue'.

Mixue, spelled M-i-x-u-e and pronounced "Mishuwe," is a franchise company that sells soft-serve ice cream and tea beverages from Zhengzhou, Henan, China. It was established in June 1997. It should be noted that Mixue is not spelled "Miksu," "Misu," or "Miksue." The company is currently going viral as their stores are popping up everywhere, and it's true that they are starting to invade Indonesia.

"Why is it called an 'invasion'?" As mentioned earlier, Mixue stores have been popping up everywhere since the beginning of 2023. They appeared suddenly, which caught the attention of the Indonesian people. There are even many memes that depict the invasion of Mixue, such as the picture I am holding that shows Mixue as if they are fighting against Padang Restaurants, Indomaret, and Alfamart. Of course, the ice cream and tea they serve are delicious, so it's not surprising that many people love it.

However, there is another reason why Mixue has become viral. If you take a look at this picture of Mixue's product that I am holding, it looks very tempting, doesn't it? However, upon closer inspection, whether in-store or on the product packaging, there is one missing element: the halal logo. Yes, Mixue currently does not have a halal certificate, which is a concern for many people who are hesitant to try Mixue's ice cream and tea. This issue has been widely discussed, especially since Mixue has opened more than 300 stores in Indonesia, even without obtaining a halal certificate.

Good news came on February 15, 2023, when the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) officially issued a Halal certificate for Mixue Ice Cream & Tea products. With this, the issue that was previously mentioned has been resolved, albeit a bit late. Now, the entire Indonesian community can enjoy Mixue's ice cream and tea without worry. That's all and thank you.

Versi lebih baik dan formal penggunaan bahasa Inggris-nya

Good morning, Mrs. Exam Supervisor. I am Muhammad Aria Darmawan from class 12 IPS 3. I will be delivering a presentation in this room, discussing the term 'Mixue'. Mixue, spelled M-i-x-u-e and pronounced "Mishuwe," is a franchise company that specializes in selling soft-serve ice cream and tea beverages. Originating from Zhengzhou, Henan, China, Mixue was established in June 1997. It's crucial to note that the correct spelling is Mixue, and it should not be confused with "Miksu," "Misu," or "Miksue." Recently, Mixue has garnered widespread attention due to its rapid expansion and presence in various locations, including its emergence in Indonesia. The term "invasion" humorously describes this phenomenon. Throughout the beginning of 2023, Mixue stores have appeared suddenly, capturing the interest of Indonesians. Numerous memes have surfaced, depicting Mixue's "invasion," often in playful contrast to Padang Restaurants, Indomaret, and Alfamart. The popularity of Mixue's offerings, particularly their delectable ice cream and tea, has naturally contributed to their widespread appeal. However, the brand's viral status also stems from another aspect. As you can see in the image I am presenting, Mixue's products are visually enticing. Yet, upon closer examination, both in-store and on product packaging, a critical element is absent: the halal logo. This absence has raised concerns among those who are cautious about consuming products without a halal certification. This topic has sparked extensive discussions, especially given Mixue's expansion—over 300 stores in Indonesia—without acquiring a halal certificate. Encouraging news arrived on February 15, 2023, when the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) officially granted a Halal certificate to Mixue Ice Cream & Tea products. While this resolution came somewhat belatedly, it provides reassurance to the public. Now, the Indonesian community at large can indulge in Mixue's ice cream and tea offerings without apprehension. That concludes my presentation, and I extend my gratitude to all.

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Job Application Letter

Job Application Letter

(Nama Kota, Kode Pos)
(Nomor HP)
(Alamat Email)
(Bulan, Tanggal, Tahun)

Badan Narkotika Nasional Kota Batam
HRD Manager
Komp. Ruko Grand Orchid Blok A9 No. 2A dan 5
Jl. Karangetang Kel. Taman Baloi Kec. Batam, Kota Batam, 29444

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to you in response to an advertisement you uploaded on your Instagram page @infobnn_kota_batam, 15 June 2022. As you can see from my enclosed resume, my experience and qualification match this position requirements.

My current position, managing a YouTube channel and my own social media. I also developed several websites with teamwork, which hopefully will prove that I am a content creator with the required skills. As my responsibility as a content creator, I have the ability to type and search for content that I will create. In addition, I also have the ability to use wordpress and SEO systems.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to personally discuss why I am particularly suited for this position. Please call me after 6.00 p.m. to suggest a time we may meet. I can be reached via telephone number (Nomor HP) or by email at (Alamat Email).


Muhammad Aria Darmawan

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Pembahasan Makna Lagu "Bright As The Sun" dan Majas yang Digunakan

Pembahasan Makna Lagu "Bright As The Sun" dan Majas yang Digunakan

Sedikit Pembahasan Tentang Lagu “Bright As The Sun” Beserta Maknanya

'Bright As The Sun' adalah official song Asian Games 2018 di Indonesia.


Selain untuk menyemarakan gelaran Asian Games 2018, 'Bright As The Sun' juga mempunyai makna yang ingin disampaikan.


'Bright As The Sun' bertujuan untuk memacu semangat atlet dalam berkompetisi di gelaran Asian Games 2018.


Selain itu, lagu ini juga diharapkan menjadi pengingat warga Asia, meskipun berbeda, negara-negara di Asia mempunyai tujuan yang sama, yaitu menunjukan pada dunia energi dari Asia.


Ditengah maraknya isu tentang SARA yang menimbulkan ketegangan antar ras dan golongan di indonesia.


Lagu ini hadir untuk mencairkan suasana serta menyatukan kembali persatuan Indonesia. Salah satu potongan lirik yang menghentak adalah, "berbeda bukan alasan untuk tak saling menopang".


Paham kan maksudnya?


Mungkin kurang lebih seperti ini; masyarakat Indonesia yang majemuk ini tetap bisa bersatu padu dalam Bhineka Tunggal Ika.

Karena dengan semangat tersebut, kita bisa bahu membahu mengangkat nama dan membuat ibu pertiwi bangga.


Selain perbedaan, lagu ini juga menggaungkan tentang perjuangan dan semangat tak kenal lelah.


Kalah itu biasa.


Menang kalah biasa dan tak ada bedanya.


Bertanding di Asian Games bukan untuk menjatuhkan. Tapi untuk menunjukan kepada dunia jika negara Asean bersatu dan kuat.


Bertanding di arena olahraga Asian Games bukan untuk mengalahkan, tapi untuk berbagi dan belajar menjadi yang terbaik.


Makna ini terkandung dalam lirik:


Look up and lift your heart

And fight for who you are

Put all your energy

Let them see your identity


It’s time to rise and shine

Embrace defeat and grind

Just one step closer to victory

Ain’t giving up to give the best of me


Lagu yang membakar semangat ini diharapkan dapat membuat seluruh atlet dan masyarakat mau bersatu, persatuan dalam perbedaan. Sumber.


Bagian dari lagu ini yang menggunakan majas terdapat pada lirik ini:


Look up and lift your heart

And fight for who you are

Put all your energy,

Let them see your identity


It’s time to rise and shine

Embrace defeat and grind

Just one step closer to victory

Ain’t giving up to give the best of me


Di kalimat awal dari masing-masing bait lirik menggunakan majas hiperbola karena kalimat tersebut merupakan sesuatu yang dilebih-lebihkan. Contohnya pada bagian lift your heart, yang bisa juga berarti menguatkan hati atau tekad. Lalu It’s time to rise and shine, yang bisa berarti saatnya seseorang harus bangkit dan bersemangat.


Jadi yang tertulis bukanlah maksud harfiah, namun hanya sesuatu yang dilebihkan yang ternyata memiliki arti lain atau sebenarnya.


Show the world

You're as bright as the sun

We deserves to be the one

And fight your fears, come on


Di bagian ini You're as bright as the sun lirik menggunakan majas simile karena membandingkan sesuatu dengan benda lain. Alasan lainnya juga karena pada lirik itu terdapat kata penghubung ‘as’ yang merupakan ciri majas simile.
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