Analyzing the Meaning of the Lyrics of the Song Titled 'Let it Go'

Analyzing the Meaning of the Lyrics of the Song Titled 'Let it Go'

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Analyzing the Meaning of the Lyrics of the Song Titled 'Let it Go'

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Elsa sings this song when she is alone in a snowy mountain. She has a unique ability that is also considered dangerous, namely controlling or creating ice at will. After hiding this from society for so long, she accidentally 'revealed' her disgrace in public on one occasion.

This frightened the eyewitnesses, some even accused her of being a dangerous witch. Bursting with guilt, shame, and fear, Elsa then ran away and isolated herself in a place far from society. It was at that moment that Elsa finally sang 'Let It Go' to vent about the mixed feelings inside her.

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This song sung by Idina Menzel can be popular no doubt because of the success achieved by the film FROZEN. As a Broadway actress and singer, Indina Menzel's voice is excellent. This three-minute song is indeed very easy to listen to and catchy. This is why people love it.

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Does the Song 'Let it Go' Have the Impression of Being Related to Human Life in the Real World?

The answer is yes. ‘Let it Go’ is not sung solely as a soundtrack for the film FROZEN, but is also a story from Elsa (as explained earlier). In the song Let it go, there are two simple but important messages conveyed through the song, namely: We must be able to be ourselves and express ourselves freely.

let it go, let it go!

Can't hold it back any more.

let it go, let it go!

Turn away and slam the door.

I don't care what they're going to say.

Let the storm rage on.

The cold never bothered me anyway.

In the chorus, Elsa finally decides to let go of all her secrets, burdens and worries by being herself. She no longer cares about the views of other people who already know her 'disgrace'.

The lyric fragment of Let the storm rage on itself explains that Elsa is not afraid or anymore with people's anger or hatred towards her. She then added that she was used to feeling cold to live alone, which was expressed in the passage The cold never bothered me anyway.

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It's funny how some distance,

makes everything seem small.

And the fears that once controlled me, can't get to me at all

It's time to see what I can do,

to test the limits and break through.

No right, no wrong, no rules for me.

I'm free!

In the second verse, Elsa reinforces the fact that she is now free from the shackles of fear that used to control her. She wants to do whatever she wants and break through her normal limits. Regardless of right and wrong, Elsa seems to illustrate that there are no more rules that can govern her. She is free to express herself.

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The earlier lyrical pieces may be viewed by some as a defiant or rebellious stance. But as humans, we do have the right to say what's on our minds, and what we want. Although sometimes we do have to break the boundaries of normal rules. Even though other people may look bad and don't like what we do, we must still live according to what we want.

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Analyzing the Language Features of the Song 'Bohemian Rhapsody' by Queen

Analyzing the Language Features of the Song 'Bohemian Rhapsody' by Queen

Analyzing the Language Features of the Song 'Bohemian Rhapsody' by Queen

  1. Hyperbole

Is this the real life?

Is this just fantasy?

The two lines imply hyperbolic expression in which the speaker is asking himself

whether his existence is real or just fantasy, The fact is that certainly the speaker is still alive since he is still able to ask the question and because he is alive then his life is real.

Caught in a landslide,

No escape from reality

The line contains hyperbole because there is exaggeration in the meaning of the sentence ‘no escape from reality’. The fact is that there is no way a person cannot escape from reality.

Mamaaa, life had just begun,

But now I've gone and thrown it all away

Hyperbole is used in the sentence ‘I’ve gone and thrown it all away’ instead of saying that the speaker has ruined his life, the speaker prefers to exaggerate it by saying thrown it all.

I'm just a poor boy nobody loves me

The sentence ‘nobody loves me’ is an exaggeration. The speaker exaggerates the condition that nobody cares about him. The fact is that even though he is poor there has to be someone who still cares.

So you think you can love me and leave me to die

The statement is about an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally. Actually, it is telling the exaggerated matter. Simply stated, leaving a person will not kill the other person. Then, in fact, he will not die because that person leaves him.

yt Queen

  1. Methapor

Caught in a landslide

The singer, Freddie, does not mean that he is literally or clearly caught in a landslide. It, actually, compares two unlike things, ‘caught in a landslide’, which directs to be comparing the ‘landslide’ to many events that happen.

Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth

It has no other imprecise figurative language besides declaring it as metaphor. That person

literally, while enunciating that line, cannot face the truth face to face. So, upon the word

and as saying to be asserted, the point of figurative language here reflects to how someone

deals with the problem inside of life.

  1. Simile

Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters

The use of ‘as if’ indicates that simile is used as a poetic device. The speaker asks people to carry on their affair just like nothing happened.

  1. Personification

Sends shivers down my spine,

It aims to personify. Hereafter, it is about the attribution of a personal nature or

human features to something non-human, or the delegation of an abstract quality in human

form. It has nothing sent shivers down his spine. However, it is just about the feeling he

feels, which thinks how his time has come. The shiver itself does not really go down his


  1. Antithesis

I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy,

The line implies the idea of contrast by parallel structures of the contrasted meaning of two sentences. The first sentence contains the meaning of being poor which normally need help or at least eager to be helped, but the second sentence indicate the opposite to the common fact that is eagerness to be helped

  1. Symbolism

If I'm not back again this time tomorrow,

It tells about the symbolism. Its artistic and poetic motion uses illustrative images and indirect recommendation to express mystical ideas, emotions, and states of mind. It is assumed, he may die and if he does then they will have to move on knowing he will not be with them anymore.

  1. Paradox

I don't want to die,

I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all.

The speaker said that he didn't want to die anyway. But in the next sentence he said that he actually didn't want to be born if he knew his life would be this ruined. But we know that the cause of his life being ruined was due to his own mistakes which earned him the death penalty.

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Membuat Hortatory Teks Dengan Tema 'Why Should Students Have Online Classes During the Pandemic?'

Membuat Hortatory Teks Dengan Tema 'Why Should Students Have Online Classes During the Pandemic?'

Why Should Students Have Online Classes During the Pandemic?

COVID-19 is a disease that can infect a person very quickly and its effects are so dangerous that it can cause death. World health workers believe this virus first appeared in 2019 in China, until in 2020 this virus spread and caused a pandemic. To prevent it from spreading further, all countries in the world have begun to isolate themselves, starting from closing the entrances for foreigners, offices, public places, and schools. Because of this, many schools have started to close, but is it the right thing to dismiss students without studying? The answer is absolutely no. Students still have to attend classes during the pandemic, even though they are held online.

Why should students have online classes during the pandemic? First, students experience 'Learning Loss', namely the loss of knowledge and skills experienced by students or even knowing nothing about the lesson. This was proven after students were given a holiday last semester plus the initial holiday of the pandemic for more than 2 weeks, when online school started many students forgot the previous subject matter.

Furthermore, prolonged holidays without being given subject matter will make students do things as they please which in the end makes them lazy. Laziness is a very terrible thing, especially when it happens to students who are still in their infancy. As a result of feeling lazy can lead to a lack of knowledge, low grades, being stupid until finally having difficulty following lessons at school. This can make children feel irritated to the point of stress at school.

It's good if students can continue to study independently at home, but what about those who don't? Most of them have so much free time that they try 'new things', of course in a bad sense. Because of their lack of knowledge and a lot of free time, they do things that don't even matter to the point of forgetting their manners and worship.

Therefore, students must still be given subject matter, namely by holding online classes. With distance learning or online classes, teachers and students alike learn to use technology as a learning medium. In this sophisticated era, there are many media that can be used to hold online classes, for example Google Classroom, Zoom Meeting, Google Meet, Quipper School, and others. Online refers to the term open the virtual world. So when something is connected to the internet network, you can call the object online.


COVID-19 adalah sebuah penyakit yang dapat menginfeksi seseorang dengan sangat cepat dan dampaknya sangat berbahaya hingga bisa menyebabkan kematian. Para tenaga kesehatan dunia meyakini virus ini pertama kali muncul pada tahun 2019 di Cina, hingga ketika pada tahun 2020 virus ini menyebar dan menyebabkan pandemi. Untuk mencegah agar tidak semakin menyebar, seluruh negara di dunia mulai melakukan isolasi mulai dari menutup jalan masuk warga asing, kantor, tempat-tempat umum, dan sekolah. Karena inilah banyak sekolah yang mulai diliburkan, namun apakah meliburkan siswa tanpa belajar adalah hal yang benar? Jawabannya sama sekali tidak. Siswa tetap harus mengikuti kelas selama masa pandemi, meskipun diadakan secara online.

Mengapa siswa harus memiliki kelas online selama pandemi? Pertama, siswa mengalami ‘Learning Loss’, yaitu hilangnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dialami siswa atau bahkan tidak mengetahui apa-apa tentang pelajaran tersebut. Hal ini terbukti setelah siswa diberikan libur akhir semester lalu ditambah dengan libur awal pandemi sekitar 2 minggu lebih, ketika sekolah online dimulai banyak siswa yang melupakan materi pelajaran sebelumnya.

Selanjutnya, libur yang berkepanjangan tanpa diberikan materi pelajaran akan membuat para siswa jadi melakukan hal sesukanya yang pada akhirnya membuat mereka menjadi malas. Rasa malas adalah hal yang sangat mengerikan apalagi bila terjadi pada siswa yang masih dalam masa pertumbuhan.  Akibat rasa malas bisa menyebabkan kurangnya ilmu, nilai rendah, menjadi bodoh hingga akhirnya mengalami kesulitan mengikuti pelajaran di sekolah. Hal ini bisa saja membuat anak merasa kesal hingga stres saat sekolah.

Bagus bila siswa dapat tetap belajar mandiri di rumah, namun bagaimana dengan yang tidak? Kebanyakan dari mereka memiliki waktu luang yang sangat banyak hingga mereka mencoba ke ‘hal baru’, tentunya dalam artian yang tidak baik. Karena kurangnya ilmu dan waktu luang yang banyak mereka menjadi berbuat yang tidak-tidak bahkan sampai melupakan sopan santun dan ibadah.

Oleh karena itu, siswa harus tetap diberikan materi pelajaran yaitu dengan mengadakan kelas online. Dengan pembelajaran jarak jauh atau kelas online, guru dan siswa sama-sama belajar menggunakan teknologi sebagai media pembelajaran. Di zaman yang sudah canggih ini banyak media yang bisa digunakan untuk mengadakan kelas online, contohnya Google Classroom, Zoom Meeting, Google Meet, Quipper School, dan lain-lain. Online mengacu pada istilah membuka dunia maya. Jadi ketika ada sesuatu yang terhubung ke jaringan internet, Anda dapat memanggil objek secara online.

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Tugas Menganalisis Hortatory Text

Tugas Menganalisis Hortatory Text

Visit the following website:

After reading the article, identify the purpose, generic structure and language features of the text!

© Richard Barrett 2018

“Why we should all care about climate change”


Generic Structure

Language Feature

… To persuade the readers to care about climate change because it Will surely affect all of us. Not only humans, even plants and animals.

  1. Thesis

… We’re all concerned about climate change, but when it looks like a problem for future generations, you ask yourself, ‘will climate change even affect me?’ No matter what you care about, climate change is already affecting our world today.

  1. Arguments



  1. Because snow leopards, turtles and polar Bears are awesome.

  • Climate change will make it harder for them to find food, and decrease their habitats – from forest to sea ice to the UK’s rivers and chalk streams.

  1. Because you need your morning coffee fix.

  • The effects of climate change on coffee are well-documented and coffee producers are already seeing reduced harvests, and more pests, because of it.

  1. Because coral reefs are amazing.

  • Ocean acidification – from increased CO2 in the atmosphere – compounds the problem. Today, the ocean is 26% more acidic than it was in 1990, and the Great Barrier Reef has just experienced unprecedented back-to-back bleaching events in 2016 and 2017.

  1. Because we all need clean water.

  • Climate change affects rainfall patterns, meaning both drought and flooding will be more common, and more intense.

  1. Because we all hate the sight of politicians in wellies.

  • More frequent and more intense extreme weather is a documented result of our greenhouse gas emissions, and the annual cost of flooding in the UK could increase 15-fold by the 2080s  as a result of climate change.

  1. Because rainforests are incredible.

  • Yet over a third of the Amazon rainforest is already threatened by climate change. It’s a double-edged sword too: worldwide, forest destruction – mainly for agriculture – is a major cause of climate change, generating an incredible amount of greenhouse gases.

  1. Because we all deserve to breathe clean air.

  • With anthropogenic climate change driven by human-caused emissions to the atmosphere, it stands to reason that we face compromised air quality. This affects human health, especially children. Air pollution can lead to asthma, heart and lung disease.

  1. Because Cleantech is exciting.

  • Meanwhile, nifty gadgets – like the Wall-E sized robot that can insulate your house to save energy – are helping to cut carbon in unexpected places.

  1. Because we are all affected, no matter where in the world we live.

  • From more extreme weather to increasing food prices, to recreation  and decreased opportunities to appreciate the natural world, people everywhere will feel the effects of climate change.

  1. Because of future generations.

  • We are fortunate to live on a beautiful, diverse, nurturing, awe-inspiring planet. Our children, and all future generations, deserve the same.

  1. Recommendation

… Now it is more important than ever that we use our action, our votes and our voices to tell political and business leaders that action on climate is absolutely essential.

  1. Simple Present 

  • Because you need your morning coffee fix 

  • Because we all need clean water

  • But when it looks like a problem for future generation 

  • This affects human health especially children air pollution can lead to asthma heart and lung disease  

  • Climate change affects rainfall patterns

  • Our children and all future generations deserve the same.

  1. Passive Voice

  • Has been labelled a public health emergency by mps.

  • Yet over a third of the amazon rainforest is already threatened by climate change

  • With anthropogenic climate change driven by human caused emissions to the atmosphere

  • Globally temperature records have been broken in recent years

  • If you are feeling worried by now you are not alone.


  1. Modals

  • Climate change will mean big changes for animals around the world.

  • Finding Nemo or Dory may become harder as their beautiful homes crumble under the stress of climate change.

  • Even if you're caffeine-free you're not in the clear wine production may also be hit by climate change.

  • So if we care about incredible species, we Must care about how climate change will make it harder for them to find food, and decrease their habitats from forest to sea ice to the UK's rivers and chalk streams.

  • Even a small increase in global temperatures will destabilise the water cycle and could make water scarcity much worse.

  • Air pollution can lead to asthma, heart and lung disease and it will affect all of us.

  1. Thinking verb

  • Did you know that 2 in every 3 people worldwide live in regions of severe water scarcity?

  • We're all concerned about climate change, but when it looks like a problem for future generations, you ask yourself, 'will climate change even affect me?

  • If you're feeling worried by now, you're not alone.

  • Events like Earth Hour are a brilliant reminder that together.

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 19. Answer the questions based on the texts.

  1. What do the advertisements 1 and 2 offer? 

1. Tickets for a Chinese music concert

2. Advertisements for the Orchard Fashion Runway event

  1. Which word draw your intention to the advertisements 1 and 2?

  1. “Do you want to spend an evening listening to traditional Chinese Music?”

  2. “... biggest fashion show in Singapore.”

  1. Who should you contact if you are interested in a traditional Chinese music show?

  2. Why do you reccomend shopalobics (to) see Orchard Fashion Runway? Because you can buy wallets, clothes, accessories that are shown on the runway and available to buy from the stores around at special prices. 

  3. Why are cars and other vehicles not allowed on this street during Orchard Fashion Runway? Because the event is real traffic-stopper.

22. Complete the sentences in column A with the words in column B

  1. We’ve made it … So easy

  2. Luxury at … Exceptional prices

  3. Visit us … At Expo H5 on 7th

  4. Fun, great prizes. … Don’t miss it

  5. One day Promotion … For all models

  6. To sign up for GZ credit … Please visit our booth

  7. Enjoy these special deals … December!

  8. Now available across … A wide range of models

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Exercise 11 Page 152-153

Exercise 11 Page 152-153


1. What is an electric torch for? An electric torch is for finding keyholes, supplementing dark
adapted vision, or helping to find the way when walking in the dark.

2. Who invented the first electric torch? The first electric torch was invented by Conrad
Hubbert, who was also known as Akiba Horowitz.

3. When was the first electric torch invented? The first electric torch was invented in 1902.

4. What does an electric torch consist of? An electric torch consists of a light bulb mounted in
a reflector, a transparent cover to protect the light source and reflector, a battery and a switch.

5. How does an electric torch work? The negative terminal of the battery is connected to the
switch by a brass strip.

6. What is filament made of? Filament is made of a tungsten alloy.

7. What is the text organization of the factual report text? The text organization of the factual
report text is general classification and descriptions.

8. What tense is mostly used in the text? A simple present tense is mostly used in the text.

9. What is the purpose of the factual report text? The purpose of the factual report test is to
present information about something generally.

10. Does the text sound personal? why? No, it does not. because the text doesn't use personal

11. the text is included in the scientific text. why? Because the text uses scientific sentences
to explain the part of the torch.

12. What is the general classification telling you about? The general classification is telling
you about a flashlight or an electric torch.

13. What is the description telling you about? The description is telling you about the use, the
inventor and the parts of the device.

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Future Tense

Future Tense

 1) Simple future

-I will see you later(+) 

-I will go to Bandung next week(+) 

-I will have an exam tomorrow(+) 

-I won't make dinner tonight(-) 

-Will they play football tomorrow(?)

2) Simple continuous tense

-I will be studying tomorrow(+) 

-I will be having an exam tomorrow(+) 

-I will be making dinner tonight(+) 

-I won't be going to Bandung tomorrow(-) 

-Will they be playing football tomorrow (?)

3) future perfect tense

-I will have finished my homework by tomorrow(+) 

-I will have graduated from school in two years(+) 

-I will have eaten lunch by noon(+) 

-I won't have gone to Bandung by tomorrow(-) 

-Will they have played football by tonight (?)

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Tugas Sasing

Tugas Sasing

 1. Terry take his family to paradiso restaurant.

2. There were no empty tables.

3. The restaurant are crowded at the weekend.

4. You should have reserved a table.

5. Ben's weekend was terrific.

6. Terry thinks Ben was so lucky.

7. The dialog is about two man talking about their weekend.

8. planned, reserved, happened, gone.

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