Tugas Menganalisis Hortatory Text

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After reading the article, identify the purpose, generic structure and language features of the text!

© Richard Barrett 2018

“Why we should all care about climate change”


Generic Structure

Language Feature

… To persuade the readers to care about climate change because it Will surely affect all of us. Not only humans, even plants and animals.

  1. Thesis

… We’re all concerned about climate change, but when it looks like a problem for future generations, you ask yourself, ‘will climate change even affect me?’ No matter what you care about, climate change is already affecting our world today.

  1. Arguments



  1. Because snow leopards, turtles and polar Bears are awesome.

  • Climate change will make it harder for them to find food, and decrease their habitats – from forest to sea ice to the UK’s rivers and chalk streams.

  1. Because you need your morning coffee fix.

  • The effects of climate change on coffee are well-documented and coffee producers are already seeing reduced harvests, and more pests, because of it.

  1. Because coral reefs are amazing.

  • Ocean acidification – from increased CO2 in the atmosphere – compounds the problem. Today, the ocean is 26% more acidic than it was in 1990, and the Great Barrier Reef has just experienced unprecedented back-to-back bleaching events in 2016 and 2017.

  1. Because we all need clean water.

  • Climate change affects rainfall patterns, meaning both drought and flooding will be more common, and more intense.

  1. Because we all hate the sight of politicians in wellies.

  • More frequent and more intense extreme weather is a documented result of our greenhouse gas emissions, and the annual cost of flooding in the UK could increase 15-fold by the 2080s  as a result of climate change.

  1. Because rainforests are incredible.

  • Yet over a third of the Amazon rainforest is already threatened by climate change. It’s a double-edged sword too: worldwide, forest destruction – mainly for agriculture – is a major cause of climate change, generating an incredible amount of greenhouse gases.

  1. Because we all deserve to breathe clean air.

  • With anthropogenic climate change driven by human-caused emissions to the atmosphere, it stands to reason that we face compromised air quality. This affects human health, especially children. Air pollution can lead to asthma, heart and lung disease.

  1. Because Cleantech is exciting.

  • Meanwhile, nifty gadgets – like the Wall-E sized robot that can insulate your house to save energy – are helping to cut carbon in unexpected places.

  1. Because we are all affected, no matter where in the world we live.

  • From more extreme weather to increasing food prices, to recreation  and decreased opportunities to appreciate the natural world, people everywhere will feel the effects of climate change.

  1. Because of future generations.

  • We are fortunate to live on a beautiful, diverse, nurturing, awe-inspiring planet. Our children, and all future generations, deserve the same.

  1. Recommendation

… Now it is more important than ever that we use our action, our votes and our voices to tell political and business leaders that action on climate is absolutely essential.

  1. Simple Present 

  • Because you need your morning coffee fix 

  • Because we all need clean water

  • But when it looks like a problem for future generation 

  • This affects human health especially children air pollution can lead to asthma heart and lung disease  

  • Climate change affects rainfall patterns

  • Our children and all future generations deserve the same.

  1. Passive Voice

  • Has been labelled a public health emergency by mps.

  • Yet over a third of the amazon rainforest is already threatened by climate change

  • With anthropogenic climate change driven by human caused emissions to the atmosphere

  • Globally temperature records have been broken in recent years

  • If you are feeling worried by now you are not alone.


  1. Modals

  • Climate change will mean big changes for animals around the world.

  • Finding Nemo or Dory may become harder as their beautiful homes crumble under the stress of climate change.

  • Even if you're caffeine-free you're not in the clear wine production may also be hit by climate change.

  • So if we care about incredible species, we Must care about how climate change will make it harder for them to find food, and decrease their habitats from forest to sea ice to the UK's rivers and chalk streams.

  • Even a small increase in global temperatures will destabilise the water cycle and could make water scarcity much worse.

  • Air pollution can lead to asthma, heart and lung disease and it will affect all of us.

  1. Thinking verb

  • Did you know that 2 in every 3 people worldwide live in regions of severe water scarcity?

  • We're all concerned about climate change, but when it looks like a problem for future generations, you ask yourself, 'will climate change even affect me?

  • If you're feeling worried by now, you're not alone.

  • Events like Earth Hour are a brilliant reminder that together.

Tugas Menganalisis Hortatory Text